Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Journal 1

    The first day of track the coaches asked us to sign up for the events we wanted to compete in. The last time i had done track was in 8th grade, I had been in the four by four relay, and was really good at it. It had been two years since then, I was out of shape and i knew that high school track was a whole different level of track. So I signed up for pole vaulting, I never made a better choice.

    What would be more fun than running at a full out sprint and flinging yourself up into the air ten feet? Not much right! After you get over the fear of everything that can go wrong it's a blast. What can go wrong you ask? Well, first you have to take exactly eight strides to get into a sprint, and you have to be in the right spot, on the right foot. You, your pole, and the ground have to make a right triangle the second before you get flung into the air. If you're too far under your shoulder gets a beating, and if you're too far away you don't get the right kind of swing. If you don't get the right kind of swing then you might end up stalling when you get verticle, which can end badly. Number one rule of pole vaulting, NEVER let go of your pole. If you don't have a proper grip on your pole then you can end up slideing, and burning the skin off your hands. From there, you won't get hurt unless you land on your head, or you scratch yourself with your spikes. Over all, pole vaulting is chalanging, which gives it so much apeal!


  1. Haha! Ah track... I hope my jealous stares while I was running didn't mess you up too much. :P

  2. Oh kendra... I believe I might have been a little too busy holding on for dear life to notice much else... You should tell the coaches to take a hike and pole vault with me! It was lonesome being the only girl last year!
